The Dogs

I remember a time when I could put a glass of champagne on my coffee table, and it wouldn't get dribbled on.
I could go for an uninterrupted walk, at my own pace, without having to stop to leer at birds.
I could even have a nice hot bath without a huge slobbering beast, hovering over me.
Fond memories indeed, but to be honest, my life was completely dull before I met my husband and somehow we've managed to work through the slobbering problem. Well, for most of the year anyway, he sometimes has relaspes around Valentines Day and Christmas, but generally he's ok.
But this isn't about him, it's about my lovely cuddly Newfoundland dogs, Grizzle and Fluffy.

Where do I start?
I could tell you about the time they escaped from a friend's house and I found them at the beach, casually swimming around the bay. Or the time when my mother had just cooked 24 current buns, left them to cool, and Fluffy hoovered up the lot.
Another one I am particularly proud of, is when Grizzle stole a chocolate Swiss roll from someone's kit bag, at a local football game in the park. The image of me chasing my dog around a muddy pitch, being laughed at by the WHOLE team, even the subs, is not a happy one.

To save Fluffy's dignity, I won't be telling you about the time she had a fling in Cornwall, with a spaniel called Fudge. Highly embarrassing when I had to go to the vet for the canine version of the morning after pill I can tell you. I can feel myself blushing just thinking about it.

But I will tell you that if you ever feel the need to have two bears living in your house, like something to keep your feet warm, and enjoy getting swamped by affectionate strangers when out walking. Newfoundlands are the dogs for you.
Someone once asked me "Why did you call your dog such a daft name? (Fluffy)
I told my husband Piers Geronimo, that he should know perfectly well why. The name was taken from the Harry Potter books, and it sounded better than Fang, which was the name of the other dog in the book.

More posts coming soon, including QPR, Charlton Athletic, Paris and a new purchase. Heather x
At Monday, October 09, 2006 8:11:00 am,
Anonymous said…
How do you get those dogs in a handbag?
At Monday, October 09, 2006 10:15:00 pm,
Rog said…
They are a serious amount of dog you have there Heather! I wouldn't like to argue with them but Oz would.
Are you sure they aren't 4 blokes dressed up in giant dog suits?
We love 'em! More pics please.
At Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:09:00 am,
Rog said…
Did Piers Geronimo have any reservations?
At Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2:14:00 pm,
Heather said…
anon - I would fail as a celebrity, I can't do the yappy dog in a handbag thing..thankfully.
Tom - they do..I can't remember the last time I had a bath without an audience, very intrusive.
Murph - they are very friendly, but sometimes a bit scared of small dogs, it's quite funny. Yes they are massive, about eight and a half stone.
Glad you like the pics. Will do some more around xmas. No reservations, in fact he was the one to point the breed out to me...very brave/silly move.
At Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:12:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
Oooh they're so soft looking!
When you wrote about your husband and then mentioned working through the slobbering problem it sounded a bit like your husband had the slobbering problem! Hee! :D
At Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:59:00 pm,
Heather said…
Hi AG - he does..especially when I wear my LBD.
At Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:46:00 am,
KAZ said…
24 currant buns take quite a lot of eating. No wonder thay are heavier than I am.
At Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:50:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
More dog pictures please, these are fabulous!
At Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:01:00 am,
Heather said…
Hi Kaz and welcome, yes she is very greedy.
etienne - Hi and welcome, thanks,glad you like them, more to follow.
At Friday, October 13, 2006 5:16:00 am,
Dayngr said…
"I remember a time when I could put a glass of champagne on my coffee table, and it wouldn't get dribbled on, I could go for an uninterrupted walk, at my own pace, without having to stop to leer, I could even have a nice hot bath without a huge slobbering beast, hovering over me."
Sounds kinda like being married...
At Friday, October 13, 2006 7:22:00 am,
simon said…
ha ah! quick g'day from Aus... still travelling for another two weeks. love the entry about slobber! Your dogs are MUCH bigger than ours... ( fox terrier and Tenterfield Terrier).. be cool!
At Friday, October 13, 2006 11:12:00 pm,
Heather said…
Hi dayngrgirl and welcome, it is a lot like being married, so I hear. Did I mention slobbering?
Simon, Hi from your hols. Hope you are enjoying yourself out in the wild, no toilets, showers or food?, but an internet connection?? sounds lovely..I wish I could be there.
At Monday, October 16, 2006 12:01:00 am,
The Editor said…
Do you need an extra large scoop when you're out walking those beasts? It used to be bad enough with one Jack Russell.
At Monday, October 16, 2006 2:33:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
We could do with those dogs in Houston right now to tow the cars out of the floods!
At Monday, October 16, 2006 4:31:00 pm,
Heather said…
Hi editor - Well yes, I do. The only downside.
anon - Yes,they would love all the water. Helping and hard work though, not sure they'd be up for that, they are quite lazy.
At Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:04:00 am,
simon said…
heather:- We are just "in and out" for the week..and have returned from dunns swamp. Saturday we are off down the coast for 5 days..
Its strange that we could not get mobile phone reception. But every town has an internet cafe!
editor:- our two terriers need BIG scoops... ;o)
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