Au Revoir
This is my last post before I go to Paris on Thursday, then my friend Gerry will be here. He's eaten all the Victoria Sandwich cakes I made him, and I've handed over my login details.
Although we've been friends for about two years, I'm just a bit worried if I can trust him. He doesn't have his own blog, so isn't aware of the huge responsibility.
I mean, if he fails to write an interesting cutting edge post for me, then it will make absolutely no difference to anybody, anywhere. It will improve his typing skills though, something he
I have no clue as to what he will be writing about, he amuses me with his little jokes, but does have a worrying opinionated side, sort of Jeremy Clarkson-esque, without all the flash cars. Gerry drives a Skoda.
Don't hold back with any comments, he likes banter.
Anyway, I'm off to pack some cute dresses and heels, to help with my French look.
Heather x
Although we've been friends for about two years, I'm just a bit worried if I can trust him. He doesn't have his own blog, so isn't aware of the huge responsibility.
I mean, if he fails to write an interesting cutting edge post for me, then it will make absolutely no difference to anybody, anywhere. It will improve his typing skills though, something he
I have no clue as to what he will be writing about, he amuses me with his little jokes, but does have a worrying opinionated side, sort of Jeremy Clarkson-esque, without all the flash cars. Gerry drives a Skoda.
Don't hold back with any comments, he likes banter.
Anyway, I'm off to pack some cute dresses and heels, to help with my French look.
Heather x
At Sunday, October 29, 2006 10:49:00 pm,
Rog said…
Couldn't you have posted Gerry back some French Letters?
Bon Voyage, 'eather.
Le Chien d'Norfolk
At Sunday, October 29, 2006 10:56:00 pm,
KAZ said…
We'll keep a close eye on him. Hope the sun shines and vous amusez bien.
At Monday, October 30, 2006 2:26:00 pm,
nuttycow said…
Have a fab time in Paris. If you want a good restaurant try Le Petit Marche. It's on 9 rue de Bearm - 73003 Paris. (Tel: 01 42 72 06 67). From what I remember they do a stormin' Rose and lovely fish.
At Monday, October 30, 2006 4:03:00 pm,
Heather said…
Murph - lol, I prefer postcards. Thanks for well wishes - 'eather :)
Kaz - Yes, hopefully he won't be showcasing his disgusting sense of humour. I have warned him that my readers don't expect that from my blog.
I have murph for that.. only joking murphmeister :)
nuttycow - Thanks, will have a look and report back.
At Monday, October 30, 2006 10:50:00 pm,
simon said…
Try the Lipp brasserie! OR le coup chou!Both beautiful places to eat....
At Monday, October 30, 2006 11:34:00 pm,
Señor Tronosco said…
Ne pas olvidarte de prélever quelques tomates franceses
?...em...that may be a bit 'Frenish', Oh Nalgas!
At Tuesday, October 31, 2006 1:02:00 pm,
Heather said…
Hi simon, hope you had a nice holiday. Thanks, will have a look.
S T - Hello, sorry is that, Don't pre-wash your French tomatoes?
At Tuesday, October 31, 2006 9:02:00 pm,
Señor Tronosco said…
I'm lost in translation, think it was meant to say something about checking out the french senoritas.
PS I always bathe them first but gently.
At Tuesday, October 31, 2006 9:46:00 pm,
Heather said…
ST - I will say hi for you.
Hmmm I bet you do..
At Tuesday, January 16, 2007 5:37:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
Why go to France when you should be going West for the Best?
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