Heather's Boutique, picture from Getty Images

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Back home

Well I'm back from beautiful Paris. Thank you Gerry for blog sitting for me....never again, no not really. I am very grateful, and will be sending you an Opera cake, I know you like your French tarts.

I was concerned to read that Boris Johnson was on your list of celebrities. Surely he's ok? He reminds me of a big fluffy polar bear, although I wouldn't want him in charge of anything important like running the country or my personal shoe collection.

By the way, referring to your very rude comment about me not listening, how could you say that?

Remember the time you told me about that problem with your performance in the bedroom with the ladies? Gosh I listened for hours, I even went to the trouble of getting a second opinion for you from your colleague.

I do apologise for mentioning it to my Grandmother though, which inevitabley led to the W.I. getting hold of it, so to speak.

We had a fantastic time staying in St Germain. Lots of delicious food and wine. Will post some photos next, although I don't have very many, my camera decided to lock itself at random moments.

Hope everyone is well whilst I've been away.

Ps - I've never been to one before, but is anyone going to this Christmas Brit Blog meet?

Heather x


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